Thursday, July 11, 2024

Emergency Sub Plans

Many teachers refuse to work on school stuff in the summer.  Some teachers love to do school projects in the summer. Some of us are in the middle somewhere.  I see too many posts with strong opinions either way. Who cares what others do???  Personally, I do nothing work related in June, and then in July I slowly start thinking and planning, but it is minimal until I actually go back.  

Except for one project-emergency sub plans. 

Every summer I have worked on these- trying to tweak them by pulling activities from here and there. These are genuine emergency plans in the event that I cannot get anything ready in time for school.  But then, I stumbled upon an awesome resource on TpT, where Melissa Moran designed an entire day's worth of activities around one read aloud.  The beauty of this is she has multiple options for different books.  The format is exactly the same for each packet.  Why is this so great?  I spent a good chunk of time using her resources for The Very Hungry Caterpillar to make detailed emergency plans.  After that, I was able to make a second, third, and fourth set quickly by plugging in the same activities, but for different books.  In no time, I had four days' worth of plans ready to go!

I am going to USE these this year.  If I wake up sick, I am not going to spend an hour getting sub plans ready for what was supposed to happen that day.  If I am sick the night before-same drill.  I am just going to be sick, knowing these are all ready to go at any moment.  

Click here to access her packet for If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Below are some examples of my template that I just change a few things based on the book that day. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Easy Spring Bird Craft

Sometimes I just need an easy, low prep, quick directions craft, especially in April.  I copied the bird bodies on pink, blue, and yellow and students chose their color with feathers to match.  I showed my kindergartners the steps all at once, and they were able to complete this on their own.  Pro Tip: give them a specific number of feathers they can use, or else some will go wild! I told them three for this craft due to the amount of feathers I had on hand.

These looked really cute hanging in the hallway. 🐦

Click here for free template.