Monday, March 20, 2023

Novel Effect

As a kindergarten teacher, I don't love having all the technology and gadgets in class.  I like to keep things pretty simple.  BUT, I have LOVED using Novel Effect in my classroom.  My kids think it's a treat every time I use it. 

If you aren't familiar with Novel Effect, it's an app with thousands of books.  You download the book you are going to read and the app is voice activated to play music and sound effects to go along with you as you are reading.  It is very reasonably priced. Our school used a fundraiser to buy a subscription for all the classrooms in our school.  The last I checked the monthly subscription was around $3 if your school will not provide it. 

There are so many books that most teachers have readily available.  They are continually adding more. I use it every Wednesday during Morning Meeting and I think I look forward to it as much as my kids do.  

Check it out:

Check out their list of titles.