Sunday, September 25, 2022

Easy Fall Magnet Craft


The past two years of Covid, I was in survival for the most part, even after 20 years in the classroom.  This year, I have made a point of planning out fun projects for my kindergartners (in advance-not morning of!). Most don't cost much money, but this one I did buy.

I ordered the hedgehog magnets from Oriental trading and they were a HIT!  I modeled the whole process then sent them on their way.  They did so well.  The only thing a few of them needed help on was attaching the magnet the right way.  They were so excited all week to do this. 

Some kids were done in less than five minutes so I had fall coloring sheets for them. Overall, I would estimate it took ten minutes once they started. 

At the time of this post, the price was $8.29 per dozen.  I am fortunate that our school gives us $200 to spend on whatever we need each year and then we get fundraising money later.  Maybe you don't get classroom money, but you could try asking parents to donate, or even collecting $1.00 per student to help offset costs.  I worked at a low income school in the past, and was still able to get donations to help out, so it wasn't all on me.  Sometimes we just need to ask!

Happy Fall!

Some other cute Fall Oriental Trading links:

Hedgehog Leaf Magnet

Nerdy Fall Critter Magnet

Beary Happy Fall Y'All Magnet

Saturday, September 17, 2022

September Kindergarten Journals


About a week after school starts, I implement daily journal writing for my kindergartners.  For the first two months, it is very directed and intentional as they build their writing skills and letter sound knowledge.

Some things we do in September:

  • We build the word wall slowly and implement those words in their journal writing. 
  • I have a photo on the board and usually have a simple clipart to go with it to help them draw, or I walk them through how to draw the picture using simple shapes.
  • We count the words and I write the words in different colors. We discuss "Meatball and spaghetti spacing."  Meatball spaces between each word/spaghetti noodle spaces in a word. 
  • We tap out the sounds of any word not on the word wall and write it together.
  • We use other resources in the room like color words to help us write. 
  • We reread our writing (sometimes with silly voices).  
  • We identify words (below I asked them to find "the" and circle it). 
  • I use Mr. Sketch smelly markers to check work as I give feedback.  Or stamps.  Or stickers.  👌
  • At the end, they get up and read their writing and share their pictures with a partner.

Stay tuned for October writing soon!

Monday, September 5, 2022

Using Google Sites for Classroom Policies


A few years ago, I changed from handing out paper copies of my classroom policies to a Google site.  I am NOT tech savvy at all and this was easy and fun.  I don't update it during the year (because I know my limits with work-life balance), but it is a resource for families to access, especially at the beginning of the year when they have lots of questions and worries.  I keep it simple.   I have been told it is extremely helpful to parents!  Win! 

To check out my classroom site, click here. I watched a couple of Youtube tutorials and I promise you it was easy.  

Finding Missing Numbers


Last year I created these to get my kids some extra practice finding missing numbers.  Adding the twist of finding the animal that goes with each missing number was just different enough to be engaging.  (Because of space, the 100 chart is just plain ol' fill in the blank).  I will start in September with 1-10 and then introduce 1-20 around November and work our way up to the 100 chart. This packet of 8 worksheets is $1.00 on my TpT store.  Click here to purchase and share with your teacher friends in your building. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Puppet Friends for Reading Comprehension


In kindergarten we teach many different comprehension strategies.  I decided I am going to focus mainly on three different strategies and use my puppet friends to increase engagement (wondering, predicting, and visualizing).  My puppets say exactly what I would say in a think aloud, but the kids are much more interested in listening to Wilbur, Polly, and Viv.  Good thing they don't notice that Viv is sometimes French.  Sometimes Italian. 

My Magical Choices by Becky Cummings


I love books.  I LOVE BOOKS. This is a great read aloud for our young kids at the beginning of the year.  Some of my favorite pages are "I choose to be calm."  "I choose to be patient."  "I choose to be friendly." "I choose to be a good sport." I usually break this book into a few days.  Thinking of some projects to go along with it.  Stay tuned.....

Friday, September 2, 2022

Rainbow Art Project

This is one of my favorite projects to do for our "Fun Friday" activity.  (It is called Pride Club at our school). It is low prep, low cost, and takes a decent amount of time and the kids stay focused.  The tearing of the paper helps build those fine motor skills for administrators who need "academic reasoning" for everything you do.  All I did was write their names with white crayon, cut out strips of the construction paper, and model how to cover the letters.  Tip: Have them tear a bunch of the color they are on, then put glue on a portion of the letter and glue the pieces down.  Some kids will want to tear one-glue one-tear one-glue one and they will never finish!  Glue sticks and not drip glue. Some of my favorites from this year: