Saturday, September 17, 2022

September Kindergarten Journals


About a week after school starts, I implement daily journal writing for my kindergartners.  For the first two months, it is very directed and intentional as they build their writing skills and letter sound knowledge.

Some things we do in September:

  • We build the word wall slowly and implement those words in their journal writing. 
  • I have a photo on the board and usually have a simple clipart to go with it to help them draw, or I walk them through how to draw the picture using simple shapes.
  • We count the words and I write the words in different colors. We discuss "Meatball and spaghetti spacing."  Meatball spaces between each word/spaghetti noodle spaces in a word. 
  • We tap out the sounds of any word not on the word wall and write it together.
  • We use other resources in the room like color words to help us write. 
  • We reread our writing (sometimes with silly voices).  
  • We identify words (below I asked them to find "the" and circle it). 
  • I use Mr. Sketch smelly markers to check work as I give feedback.  Or stamps.  Or stickers.  👌
  • At the end, they get up and read their writing and share their pictures with a partner.

Stay tuned for October writing soon!