Saturday, November 26, 2022

Mindful Mondays


At a recent PLC meeting, my teacher friends were sharing their professional goals.  Many of them were focusing on mindfulnesses with their classes and having great success.  I was left thinking "When?  When can I add this to my day?"  I wanted to be consistent and not overwhelmed.  I decided to start every week as Mindful Monday during morning meeting.  It sets the stage for the week ahead.  The meeting consists of simple ways to be mindful and promote positive mental health.  We include a positive affirmation with for the week and a mindfulness activity or video. Then, we talk about the two things (the affirmation and the mindful strategy) throughout that week. Simple start for sure, but doable! The key to everything in teaching is consistency.  Start slow to go fast!

Below are the affirmation posters we use.  The whole set of 18 can be purchased on my TpT store for $1.50.  Click here for the set. 

Go Noodle has some quick free mindfulness videos to start.  Some I really like include: 

From Mindless to Mindful (introduction to mindfulness)

Sense your Senses

Whale Breaths

Bear Breaths

Bring it Down


Bubble Breathing