Sunday, November 27, 2022

Phonogram Desk Tags

Starting in mid November, after we have taught all the letter sounds, a-z, we start teaching two and three letter combinations explicitly.  I use this desk tag to help my students make connections and turn it into long term memory.  They use these while writing, and in class we often go across the top and read the sounds. Other times, I will ask them to show me specific sounds "Point to oa, as in boat." The phonics program we use is Riggs, which teaches 71 different phonograms.  In kindergarten, we added a few of our own like "ing, dr, and tr" and skip some of the more complex phonograms like ci and si.  Teaching these every day and consistently helps my students become above grade level readers! 

This is a free resource in my TpT store.  Click here if you would like to download yours today.