Sunday, November 27, 2022

Phonogram Desk Tags

Starting in mid November, after we have taught all the letter sounds, a-z, we start teaching two and three letter combinations explicitly.  I use this desk tag to help my students make connections and turn it into long term memory.  They use these while writing, and in class we often go across the top and read the sounds. Other times, I will ask them to show me specific sounds "Point to oa, as in boat." The phonics program we use is Riggs, which teaches 71 different phonograms.  In kindergarten, we added a few of our own like "ing, dr, and tr" and skip some of the more complex phonograms like ci and si.  Teaching these every day and consistently helps my students become above grade level readers! 

This is a free resource in my TpT store.  Click here if you would like to download yours today. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Mindful Mondays


At a recent PLC meeting, my teacher friends were sharing their professional goals.  Many of them were focusing on mindfulnesses with their classes and having great success.  I was left thinking "When?  When can I add this to my day?"  I wanted to be consistent and not overwhelmed.  I decided to start every week as Mindful Monday during morning meeting.  It sets the stage for the week ahead.  The meeting consists of simple ways to be mindful and promote positive mental health.  We include a positive affirmation with for the week and a mindfulness activity or video. Then, we talk about the two things (the affirmation and the mindful strategy) throughout that week. Simple start for sure, but doable! The key to everything in teaching is consistency.  Start slow to go fast!

Below are the affirmation posters we use.  The whole set of 18 can be purchased on my TpT store for $1.50.  Click here for the set. 

Go Noodle has some quick free mindfulness videos to start.  Some I really like include: 

From Mindless to Mindful (introduction to mindfulness)

Sense your Senses

Whale Breaths

Bear Breaths

Bring it Down


Bubble Breathing

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Turkey Trouble Project Ideas


This is one of the few at home projects we do throughout the year.  We start by reading Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano.  Then, we send a turkey template home, along with sample ideas to help inspire families. The results are amazing.  The students share their creations with the class. There are many great packets on TpT. One of my favorites is here.  It's a freebie.  Below are some awesome examples from our kids.

Turkey Hat Template Freebie


I make these every year and it is so simple and easy for the kids to do. You just need construction paper and googly eyes. Getting a group photo with all their hats on is always a cute memory for the school year. 

This year, we invited parents in for an Open House, and the parents made hats, as well.  Got lots of cute photos to post on class Dojo.  Fun memories for all. 

Click here for a free template on my TpT store. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

November Kindergarten Journals

In November, we take it to the next step by allowing students to write their whole sentence on their own.  I keep an anchor chart of sentence starters for students who choose to use them.  A key focus is having students read their words back to themselves to make sure their sounds make sense and all words are represented by at least one sound.  

To see the progression from the beginning:

September Journals

October Journals

Must Read Books for Teachers

I love to read books that inspire me as an educator.  I like many of them, but only love a few. The books below are the best professional books I have ever read and can apply to just about any level teacher,

The Book Whisperer by Donalynn Miller

This is my all time favorite education book.  Donalynn is my reading teacher inspiration.  When I am reading her books I want to have that same impact on my students and coworkers.  I often think if every teacher of reading could read her books and adopt just a small portion of her ideas, we would change the trajectory of reading success in the United States. Teachers like Donalynn Miller are complete game changers.  

I work with many teachers who struggle to implement self selected reading into their day.  "When??? I don't have time with all the curriculum" is the biggest roadblock I hear.  I think reading the Reading Whisperer is a great step to seeing how crucial it really is to give students reading time and choice and voice.  All the curriculum in the world cannot compare to independent reading. 

Some of the key standout quotes from this book:

"Anyone who calls herself or himself a reader can tell you that it starts with encountering great books, heartfelt recommendations, and a community of readers who share this passion." (I annotated this quote with that it is so true in my own personal life)

"Readers in remedial settings read roughly 75% less than their peers in regular reading settings...students who do not read regularly become weaker readers with each subsequent year" 

"Is reading weighted down with so many requirements for performance that reading is connected in students' minds with an obstacle course or work, and, therefore, with stress? 

"No matter how long students spend engaged in direct reading instruction, without time to apply what they learn in the context of real reading events, students will never build capacity as readers." AMEN!

"No single literacy activity has a more positive effect on students' comprehension, vocabulary knowledge, spelling, writing ability, and overall academic achievement than free voluntary reading." 

Donalynn outlines how she gives all her students a goal to read 40 books throughout the school year.  The chapter about this is my favorite because what she is doing with students is so powerful and a true gift.  She discusses that there is no consequence for falling short.  She mentions a student read 22 one year, which was the lowest amount any student achieved.  But it was TWENTY TWO books!  That child read twenty two novels.  Complete success.

Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess

If The Reading Whisperer is my favorite professional book, Teach Like a Pirate is the closest second place you can get.  I just LOVE it.  It's a short read and can be applied to any teacher, any grade level.  I want to work with Dave Burgess.  His enthusiasm is infectious just through his words in his book.

Teach Like a Pirate is all about enthusiasm and engagement as a teacher. Pirate is actually an acronym: Passion, Immersion, Rapport, Ask and Analyze, Transform, Enthusiasm. 

Some highlights: 

"I am passionate about not letting them [students] fall victim to the horrific educational trends that would have us turn children into test taking automatrons who are able to spit out facts and trivia but are unable to speak about anything of significance or meaning."

"People are drawn in and love to be around those who are passionate about their lives.  Passion is all about being on fire in front of your class." 

"Your ability to completely give yourself up to the moment and fully "be" with your students is an awesome and unmistakably powerful technique."

"It is far more important to create a unique experience for them on the first day than it is to be sure they know how many bathroom passes they will have each semester and when it is OK to use the pencil sharpener." 

"Education can be used to uplift and inspire or it can be used as a hammer to bludgeon and beat down." 

"For many students, school is filled with monotony, drudgery, and soul-killing suckiness....There are really only two possibilities: either your class can be a reprieve from all of that or it can be a contributing factor...I want my class to stand out in a sea of sameness....Something remarkable is worth talking about.  Worth noticing.  Exceptional.  New.  Interesting.  It's a Purple Cow."

The Wild Card by Hope and Wade King

This book is awesome.  I know some teachers feel overwhelmed by some of their over the top ideas like room transformations, but I am telling you, this book is great.  And one year I got up the nerve to actually do a room transformation because of this book: turning my classroom into a glow in the dark space odyssey and it was one of the best decisions I have made. The look on their faces when they came in was precious. It wasn't easy.  It wasn't cheap.  It wasn't quick.  I wouldn't do it more than once a year.  

Some favorite quotes:

“You have to teach standards; that’s a given. But standards don’t determine how you deliver the content—and it’s your delivery method that drives engagement.”

“Every child’s metaphorical hand includes one very important wild card—a person whose influence is unpredictable and whose qualities are uncertain.”